
Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Netbook Reflection 2013

Having a net book connected to the internet helped me learn over the year, it is easy for us students.We use our net books for researching and how to make documents and uploading images to our blog. I've learnt from my friends different ways of using a net book and finding new websites. I have helped other kids by showing them how to re image netbook and fixing the netbook.I am also able to go on to the Google sites.The Google sites are where we get our reading activity and Topic Study.
I have also learnt many from my teacher strategies for having and LCM and GCM.
I have enjoyed using my net book to Learn,Create and sharing with other people .Using Netbooks at Glenbrae school.

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Dance Fever

Today room 10 went to the hall for Dance Fever.Captain had chosen our partners for the Foxtrot and for the cha cha. First we did our steps for the Foxtrot,we had to step side to side forward and backwards and spinning the girl around twice.the boys had to hold the girls hands and put one hand on the back of the girls shoulder.It was so awkward for the both of us holding each other hands.

After we learnt the Foxtrot we did our cha cha,We started with moving our feet to the left and right.As we were doing our cha cha Miss Silva was recording us holding hands and dancing.

Then we got into our Hip-Hop routine,Miss Silva was recording the hole thing,Our Hip-Hop routine was so fun.This opportunity to have dance fever was fun.  

Monday, 25 November 2013

National Anthem

E Ihowa Atua
O ngā iwi mātou rā,
āta whakarongo na;

Me aroha noa.
Kia hua ko te pai;
Kia tau tō atawhai;
Manaakitia mai

God of nations at thy feet
in the bonds of love we meet.
Hear our voices, we entreat,
God defend our free land.
Guard Pacific’s triple star
From the shafts of strife and war,
Make her praises heard afar,
God defend New Zealand.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Orienteering Lesson

This morning room 10 had a Orienteering lesson with our instructors.First of all we learned about the controls and the symbols of the map.Then we had got into a circle and finding the controls.At the end we had to remember all of the symbols and find the letters to mark our papers.It was very hard but I done it.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Dance Fever Lesson

Today Room 10 had a Dance Fever lesson which took place at the hall. Captain and Christina showed us our next step's foe our routine and the cha cha.After our cha cha lesson we got into our Hip-Hop routine.Dance Fever was really fun and to enjoy,even Miss Silva was dancing.Then we ended the lesson with a game.

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Narrative Story

When we were at camp,it began when i heard a splash.Whoa!!I got a fright,and walked around to see what caused the splash.I looked in the water,and I saw the circular waves from the splash,I walked towards it with my body covered with goosebumps.I finally saw the whole 360 circular waves.I try to find the middle,but i can't because the waves were fading away as it moves every two inches.

I  looked up,and saw this bright shining light.It stayed up there for 15 seconds,and lightning.”Ohh!!” I screamed.I was so surprised to see something like that happen in my life.I ran back to the dining room all surprised,and nervous at the same time.I didn't know why.Dinner just finished,and everyone walked up to their cabins.While I was walking,I heard splashes,I ignored it,and as soon my bed,i jumped on it,and slept straight away.

I woke up in the middle of the night,and looked at the time,it was 11:00 pm.I heard footsteps getting louder at it comes closer.I saw its shadow on the window.There was two big headed silhouettes with their hands “Banging on the door”.then I got up and looked outside and it was ZOMBIES,so I screamed as loud as i can so the teachers would hear me.Then the light went on and my friends woke up with faces looking frightened.

My friends saw the zombies and yelled “help help”.Then more and more zombies came to our cabins,and everyone get out of there bed and ran outside for help.”ahhhhh!!” I yelled then me and some of my friends hid in the big shed,we waited for a long time for the zombies,then it went quiet so we checked outside for anymore zombies,but there was no one here.We survived the zombie apocalypse.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Guided Inquiry

Narrative Recont

On a HOT summer Dan and his family are going on a fun trip to the hottest beach on earth.Dan get your swim gear said dad.So I packed my stuff and off we went,Dan and his little sister were playing a game to keep them selfs company.

I spy something with my little eyes something that is blue said mandy.”Ummm the blue ocean said Dan.Yeah thats right how did you know that said mandy.How far is the beach said mum,Only like about a few minutes.Dan and mandy fell asleep.

“Beep Beep we are here said dad”.wow it looks beautiful said mandy.Go hop in the water watch out it might be cold.The water was cold as tap water,Mandy want to make a sandcastle said dan.Ok then i will get the bucket,some seashells and some water for the castle.

Go and get some seashells and put it on the top ok they had put layers of sand around the castle and some seashells on the top for decoration.”done yelled dan.Ok then time to go home now saygood bye to your castle.

The ride home was a long trip but we had fun.When we got home we had hot delicious chocolate with some cookies before bed.Ok time for bed,night mum and dad.THE END     

Monday, 21 October 2013

Chris Pither-Racing Driver

SJ Part 4 Number 1 2002

1. Recall
How did Chris finally get started into race car driving?
Chris started racing for go-karts and then he went in to racing cars.

2. Recall
Why do some people think that New Zealand will soon lead the world in motor sports?
Because we have one of the best drivers in the world.

3. Infer/ Make a Judgement
What kind of a person is Chris? What details in the story lead you to believe this?
Chris was the youngest racing in the world.When he was twelve Chris raced go-karts.

4. What is a sponsor, and why is it important to have one in motor racing?
A sponsor is a company that helps you with money and other things.It is important to have a sponsor in motor racing or you could never afford to race.

5. What precautions are taken to protect the drivers when they are racing?
In your opinion, do these precautions go far enough to make the sport safe?
He wears special boots,helmet,gloves,balaclava and 3 layers of fireproof gear   

6. Use details from the text to tell why the sport is dangerous.
Go-kart racing is dangerous because your go-kart might explode and you will be injured.  

7. What is your opinion of motor sport? Could you see yourself being a formula 1 driver? Why or why not would you want to do this sport?i would not try this sports because i wouldnt know what will happen to me.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Dance Fever Recount

Today Room 10 had an amazing dance lesson with dance fever.We were split into 4 groups of boys and girls.We had to learn a routine from our instructors, Captain and Christine.They were amazing dances.

So we got stuck into it.The routine we did was hard because we had to speed it up.But we had got the six moves.We will be having dance fever for the whole term. Everyone in room 10 loved it


Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Battle of the Monster Trucks

Why are monster trucks awesome? Because they crush small cars.

What is Bigfoot? A monster truck

What happens at a monster truck competition? They do lots of stunts

How many monster trucks are in New Zealand? 1

What is the name of the monster truck in New Zealand? Kiwi thunder

Explain what the driver does in a monster truck competition
Goes up a ramp and crushes the cars flat like a pancake.

Research what type and size of tyres monster trucks use.
They are 43 inches wide.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Persuasive Writing

Teleporting in the future

Have you ever had super powers like teleporting. Teleporting is form of transportation that  can take you anywhere you would like to be going around the world. I think teleporting can be useful  because it could help you in difficult situations, it’s renewable, it can take you safely from place to place.

Firstly I think teleporting can be useful because it could help you in difficult situations, like for an example if you are in danger you can teleport to a safe place.   

Secondly teleporting is powerless and that becomes handy because you can use it as many times as you want.

Thirdly teleporting is unpredictable,
because your safest place could be the police station, but it teleports you to the next safe place which is home.

Take teleporting to the government for it to be processed so it can go to every city in NZ and also We will  have a safer community because criminals will see there’s “NO” Point in doing crime.

Thursday, 11 July 2013


This activity is called feed the bird.I enjoyed it

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Sunshine Online

Today I read a book called spiders in my stomach

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Sunshine Online

Today I read a wonderful book called Tididi. It was a wonderful book 

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Football Lesson 3

Wow! what an amazing football lesson.Today we had a tournament,It was yellow,red,blue topless.The first game was red vs topless,well yellow and blue had to cheer for the other teams.Wow! the red team won the match.Then it was blues to turn to vs red.GO red team go blue team.Then the blue team won.So the yellow team was up to vs blue.It was the finally,blue and yellow who will win,Then no one got a goal so it was a tie.Then we ended with a thank you to Ben.   

Friday, 21 June 2013

Math whizz

Today I learnt doubles of numbers


Today I Read Step up to the Plate and i enjoyed it

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Football Recount

Today i learnt how to do the scissor kick,It was so hard but i got it in the end.All we had to do is put your left foot over the ball and then your right foot over it and pass it to your team-mate. Then at the end we had a game of football.We had to kick the ball into to the cones so we can get a point.Room 10 enjoyed it.    

Monday, 17 June 2013

My letter

Room 10
Glenbrae school
Glen Innes

17 June 2013

The Rotarians

Dear President

Thank you for sponsoring our school to have great Duffy books at our homes. Every student has been improving in their reading.

Glenbrae school would like you to continue sponsoring us with great Duffy book.

Thanking you
Yours sincerely

Friday, 14 June 2013


Today I read This book called wattle street hockey.I enjoyed it

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Writing Instructions

We are learning to follow instructions do something

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Procedural Writing Recipe 1

We are learning to write a Procedural Writing 

Title:How to make a tea
Tea bag
2 tablespoon of sugar
And a cup of milk
A kettle of hot water.
1.Boil the kettle
2.Take a cup
3.Put the 2 tablespoon of sugar in the cup
4.When the kettle is done pour the hot water in the cup
5.Put in the tea bag with the milk and stir.

Conclusion:Sit down and enjoy your tea with some cookies.
Pictures to go with the recipe

Procedural Writing Recipe 3

Wer are learing to wirte a Procedural Writing

Title:How to make scrambled eggs
What you Need:
4 eggs
salt and pepper
ham,tomatoes,chives (Optional)
1.Break the 4 eggs into the bowl with the milk.
2.Then mix until done and then add salt and pepper with some cheese.
3.Get the pan and put butter in the pan.
4.Put the egg mixture in pan and wait until it gets puffe
5.Once it gets all puffe then with a spatula then Serve on a plate.

Conclusion:You could also have it with juice or a bagel
Pictures to go with the recipe

Thursday, 23 May 2013


Today i read a book called i want to act.It was a good book.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Math whizz


Today i read a book called the ice cream shop was so cool to read.

The Origin and History of Chocolate

All Groups -  Reading an Explanation
Resource: The origin and history of chocolate by Jo Rogers  
(Read About, Think About Book 2)

WALT read and understand how an explanation is written. (Structure and language features used in writing explanations)

Knowledge Questions: Learn
  1. What does the word ‘chocolate’ mean and from where did the word originally come?
Answer:The word chocolate mean’s a warm drink. it is a Mayens
  1. From which people does the legend of the prophet bringing the cacao seeds from paradise come?
Answer:Aztec legend.
  1. When was chocolate produced in large amounts?
Answer:In the 18th century.
Comprehension Questions: Learn, Create, Share
   4.    What is the difference between cacao and cocoa?
Answer:The cacao is a the bean and the cocoa is eatable
   5.    In your own words describe how the cacao bean was introduced to Spain.
Answer:Mexico went to war with spain and spain had won so they took the cacao beans.

   6.    Describe London’s attitude to chocolate during the 18th century. Upload your description to your individual blog after conferencing with the teacher.
Answer:London’s attitude to chocolate was fashionable.

Application Questions: Learn, Create, Share
   7.   Give another instance of food originating in one country and then spreading in popularity across the world? How may this have happened? Upload your explanation to your individual blog after conferencing with the teacher.
Answer:The K.F.C

K.F.C was brought in kentucky and in my way  i think the chefs were sent to other country.
 8.   Chocolate is a Mayan word. Name five foods that have names coming from different
         cultures or countries other than your own. Upload your answer to your individual
         blog after conferencing with the teacher.
1.Chips:In America chips came  from McDonalds.  
2.Chicken:In Texas K.F.C stands for kentucky Fried Chicken.    
3.Burger’s:In America Burge’s were made in America.
4.Kurri:Kurri came from India
5.French Toast:French Toast came French.    
Thinking beyond: Learn, Create, Share
Analysis: What may have happened if Christopher Columbus had not discovered America?
                Upload your explanation to your individual blog after conferencing with the teacher.

Synthesis: Write a new recipe using chocolate and fruit as the main ingredients. Use tux paint to paint pictures to go with your recipe. Take a screenshot of your recipe and upload it to your blog after conferencing with the teacher.

Evaluation: Do you believe chocolate companies need to spend millions of dollars advertising their products? Explain Upload your explanation to your individual blog after conferencing with the teacher.

Hands on: Design a menu for a restaurant which serves only chocolate recipes. Include entrees. main meals, desserts and drinks. Take a screenshot of your menu and upload it to your blog after conferencing with the teacher.

Netball Descriptive

Tuesday 21st May 2013

Wow what an amazing session at netball.We did faking and doing chest pass.It looked like we were In a very importing game.WE also did driving. We looked at what the goal shooter is supposed to do.

The thing i like was the game we learnt.The aim of the game is to work as a team to shoot the ball in the hoop.The game made me lean more about netball.It was so cool.

Today at the netball session,I learnt heaps about shooting the goals and working hard.

Monday, 20 May 2013

Tread Lightly Caravan

Monday 20th may 2013

Wow room 10 went to the caravan for a wonderful lesson about the environment.We looked in a microscope and looked at different species.Then we looked at worms eating the apple.There were so much mud you couldn't see the worm.Then we had rotated to our next lesson looking how far you walk to school or by car.We all typed in our address and it showed how far you live from school.

After we did that went to the e-waste.It was about all of the electronics being thowin in the bin.Then we went to the Eco bike.We had to hop on and ride so the light will come on.After that we went to play a game called snakes and ladders.It was fun so much fun we could do