
Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Netbook Reflection 2013

Having a net book connected to the internet helped me learn over the year, it is easy for us students.We use our net books for researching and how to make documents and uploading images to our blog. I've learnt from my friends different ways of using a net book and finding new websites. I have helped other kids by showing them how to re image netbook and fixing the netbook.I am also able to go on to the Google sites.The Google sites are where we get our reading activity and Topic Study.
I have also learnt many from my teacher strategies for having and LCM and GCM.
I have enjoyed using my net book to Learn,Create and sharing with other people .Using Netbooks at Glenbrae school.

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Dance Fever

Today room 10 went to the hall for Dance Fever.Captain had chosen our partners for the Foxtrot and for the cha cha. First we did our steps for the Foxtrot,we had to step side to side forward and backwards and spinning the girl around twice.the boys had to hold the girls hands and put one hand on the back of the girls shoulder.It was so awkward for the both of us holding each other hands.

After we learnt the Foxtrot we did our cha cha,We started with moving our feet to the left and right.As we were doing our cha cha Miss Silva was recording us holding hands and dancing.

Then we got into our Hip-Hop routine,Miss Silva was recording the hole thing,Our Hip-Hop routine was so fun.This opportunity to have dance fever was fun.  

Monday, 25 November 2013

National Anthem

E Ihowa Atua
O ngā iwi mātou rā,
āta whakarongo na;

Me aroha noa.
Kia hua ko te pai;
Kia tau tō atawhai;
Manaakitia mai

God of nations at thy feet
in the bonds of love we meet.
Hear our voices, we entreat,
God defend our free land.
Guard Pacific’s triple star
From the shafts of strife and war,
Make her praises heard afar,
God defend New Zealand.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Orienteering Lesson

This morning room 10 had a Orienteering lesson with our instructors.First of all we learned about the controls and the symbols of the map.Then we had got into a circle and finding the controls.At the end we had to remember all of the symbols and find the letters to mark our papers.It was very hard but I done it.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Dance Fever Lesson

Today Room 10 had a Dance Fever lesson which took place at the hall. Captain and Christina showed us our next step's foe our routine and the cha cha.After our cha cha lesson we got into our Hip-Hop routine.Dance Fever was really fun and to enjoy,even Miss Silva was dancing.Then we ended the lesson with a game.

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Narrative Story

When we were at camp,it began when i heard a splash.Whoa!!I got a fright,and walked around to see what caused the splash.I looked in the water,and I saw the circular waves from the splash,I walked towards it with my body covered with goosebumps.I finally saw the whole 360 circular waves.I try to find the middle,but i can't because the waves were fading away as it moves every two inches.

I  looked up,and saw this bright shining light.It stayed up there for 15 seconds,and lightning.”Ohh!!” I screamed.I was so surprised to see something like that happen in my life.I ran back to the dining room all surprised,and nervous at the same time.I didn't know why.Dinner just finished,and everyone walked up to their cabins.While I was walking,I heard splashes,I ignored it,and as soon my bed,i jumped on it,and slept straight away.

I woke up in the middle of the night,and looked at the time,it was 11:00 pm.I heard footsteps getting louder at it comes closer.I saw its shadow on the window.There was two big headed silhouettes with their hands “Banging on the door”.then I got up and looked outside and it was ZOMBIES,so I screamed as loud as i can so the teachers would hear me.Then the light went on and my friends woke up with faces looking frightened.

My friends saw the zombies and yelled “help help”.Then more and more zombies came to our cabins,and everyone get out of there bed and ran outside for help.”ahhhhh!!” I yelled then me and some of my friends hid in the big shed,we waited for a long time for the zombies,then it went quiet so we checked outside for anymore zombies,but there was no one here.We survived the zombie apocalypse.